The deadline for all paper submissions: May 15th, 2025
Papers must necessarily be related to one of the round tables and/or papers included in the scientific programme of the Conference and may be presented in Spanish or English.
Thematic areas: (all from the perspective of European Integration)
International Relations
Communications should be sent to the following email address:
Put in the subject of the email: Communication_Full name of the researcher (only one communication per author will be accepted).
1. Papers -which must be unpublished- must be submitted in MS Word. Use the template for ree_articulos maintaining the format in all aspects (logos, title, abstracts and data, font sizes and fonts, headings, paragraphs, indented quotations, footnotes, endnotes, end bibliography, headers, footers and page numbers).
2. Papers should be approximately 10,000 words in length (approximately 40 pages on A4, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point). Strictly necessary footnotes will be used.
3. Short quotations (up to three lines in length) should be placed in quotation marks (with inverted commas: » «) in the body of the text. In the event that a quotation contains another quotation, the inverted commas of the internal quotation will be angle quotes (» «).
Long quotations (more than three lines long) must be indented, single-spaced, unquoted and in 11-point font.
4. References in the text may be made either on the basis of author and year or with footnotes. The final list of references will be in alphabetical order. Authors are requested to ensure consistency between in-text citations and the final list of references.
Book citations should follow the following format: Allen, F. and Gale, D. (2001): Comparing financial systems. MIT Press. Cambridge.
Citations to articles should follow this format: Berglof, E., and Bolton, P. (2002): «The great divide and beyond: Financial architecture in transition». Journal of Economic Perspectives 16(1), 77-100.
Book chapter citations will follow the following format: Munari, F. and Sobrero, M. (2003): «Corporate governance and innovation». In M. Calderini, P. Garrone, and M. Sobrero (Eds.) Corporate Governance and Market Structure and Innovation. Edward Elgar. Cheltenham, pp. 3-27.
5. The reference bibliography will be included at the end of the article after the heading, in alphabetical order and with French indentation. The bibliography should list the titles cited in the work in accordance with the following criteria:
One author:
Surname/s, First name (year), Title of the book in italics, Place of publication, Publisher.
Several authors:
Surname/s, First name and First name Surname/s (year), Title of the book in italics, Place of edition, Publisher.
Book editions:
Surname/s, Name (year), Title of the book in italics, ed. Name and Surname/s of the editor, Place of edition, Publisher.
Chapters of books:
Surname/s, First name (year), «Title of chapter in quotation marks», in Name and Surname/s of publisher (ed.), Title of book in italics, Place of edition, Publisher, pp.
Surname/s, Name (year), «Title of the article in quotation marks», Title of the journal in italics, Volume, pp.
Conference Proceedings:
Surname/s, First name/s, (ed./coord.), (year), Title of the Proceedings in italics, Place of Edition, Publisher.
Documents on the Internet:
Surname/s, Name (year), «Title of the document in inverted commas», in http://www. [full url] (date of consultation: dd/mm/yy).
6. Authors will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of their work. This will be made available to the Scientific Committee, who will submit it for anonymous evaluation.
7. The Scientific Committee will select the papers for oral presentation.
8. The best papers, up to a maximum of 30, will be published in a special issue of the Journal of European Studies.
9. Papers selected for oral presentation will not exceed TEN minutes.
Any queries regarding the submission of papers may be sent to the following address: